Meteorites of the Czech Republic

Meteorites found in the Czech Republic

Here is a list of meteorites that have been found on the territory of present-day Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The meteorites are arranged chronologically from the oldest to the most recent finds. We will gradually add more information about each meteorite in the form of separate articles on our blog.

Name Alternative name Classification Date found / fall Observed fall Weight
Loket Eldogen Medium octahedrite IID cca 1400 no 107 kg
Odrance Iron 11.6.1619 yes lost
Ploskovice Ploschkowitz Chondrite L 22.6.1723 yes 37 kg
Tábor Chondrite H5 3.7.1753 yes 7.54 kg
Stonařov Stannern  Achondrite eucrite HED  22.5.1808 yes 52 kg
Lysá  Lissa Chondrite L6 3.9.1808 yes 12.8 kg
Žebrák  Praskolesy Chondrite H5 18.10.1824 yes 10 kg
Bohumilice Bohumilitz Coarse octaedrite IA 19.9.1829 no 59 kg
Vnorovy  Wessely Chondrite H5 9.9.1831 yes 3.8 kg
Blansko Chondrite H6 25.11.1833 yes 470 g
Broumov Braunau Hexahedrite IIA 14.6.1847 yes 39 kg
Potůčky Steinbach Mesosiderite IVA 1724-1861 yes  cca 100 kg
Těšice Tieschitz Chondrite H3  15.7.1878 yes 28.5 kg
Stará Bělá  Alt Bela  Medium octahedrite IID 1898 no 3.9 kg
Sedlčany  Iron 1900 no 20 g
Teplá u Mariánských Lázní Medium octahedrite IIIb 18.9.1909 no  17 kg
Vícenice u Náměště nad Oslavou Iron 10.1911 no 4.3 kg
Opava Hexahedrite IIA 1925 / paleolite no 21 kg
Sazovice Chondrite L6 28.6.1934 yes 412 g
Příbram Chondrite H5-6 7.4.1959 yes 5.56 kg
Ústí nad Orlicí Kerhartice  Chondrite L6 12.6.1963 yes 1 269 g
Suchý Důl Police nad Metují Police Chondrite L6 16.9.1969 yes 815 g
Morávka  Chondrite H5-6 6.5.2000 yes 633 g
Benešov Chondrite H5, LL3 9.4.2011 / 7.-8.5.1991 yes 9.7 g
Žďár nad Sázavou Chondrite L3 09.12.2014 yes 45 g
Hradec Králové Chondrite LL5 17.05.2016 yes 134 g